diff lock operation

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bivvy's picture
Joined: 25.09.2014
Location: coventry

Hi how does the difflock operate i have a P4 i think it is very similar to the G wagen the axles are marked Mercedes .There is a rod in the centre next to gear levers if i pull it up it just returns to down position how do you no when its engaged or not .

Regards John.

stig's picture
Joined: 24.02.2007
Location: Girona, Spain
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: diff lock operation

Hi John


The P4 has only rear Diff Lock I believe.

They are purely hydraulic, when you pull the rod up, you are activating a master cylinder which sends fluid to a slave cylinder situated at the left rear of rear axle, this engages the diff lock internally.

There should be a spring on the overcentering mechanism at the master cylinder right under the floor at end of rod, this may be missing if the rod just returns.

Start by checking the fluid level, you'll find the reservoir under the bonnet beside the brake booster, looks like another clutch reservoir, if it's empty, check the lines and the connection down by the master cyllnder.

Do all that first and see what happens. HTH!