Rear view mirror removal

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markhowes's picture
Joined: 15.01.2014
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Now that the decent weather is with us (hopefully for more than a few days) I plan to replace the sunroof seal on my 463.

I think I can see all the bits that I need to remove and how to remove them to get the roof lining out but what's the trick to removing the rear view mirror? It seems as though that will have to come off but there don't appear to be any screws or easily removable plastic part that will reveal screws.

Any help much appreciated.



G-Restorations's picture
Joined: 07.04.2011
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Re: Rear view mirror removal

If its the same as 460 mirrors, you just give it a very firm tug as they're on spring clips so they come off in a smash


Roly's picture
Joined: 07.11.2003
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Re: Rear view mirror removal

Yes, it's the same on the 463. Pull the bracket rather than the mirror body.

Arnie's picture
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Re: Rear view mirror removal

The sunroof main seal - the one visible from the outside, around the inside border of the opening - is removable just by pulling it out horizontally, working your way around, without the need to dismantle anything. It's fitted over some black painted brackets, which may have become a little rusty, so you may need to rust-treat these before fitting the new seal.


markhowes's picture
Joined: 15.01.2014
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Re: Rear view mirror removal

Thanks for that Arnie - big job looks like it just became a whole lot more manageable.

I can see the brackets at the front and sides which all unscrew to release the seal. But the bracket or slot into which the seal is held at the back of the opening appears to be riveted to the underside of the roof. So, if I just pull the seal out of this groove will the new seal slot back into the groove and if so does it need anything doing to ensure a nice tight fit or does the action of closing the sunroof achieve that?


Simon666's picture
Joined: 14.09.2009
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Re: Rear view mirror removal
Hi Mark I'm a 460 owner, but as Gordon has already said - same process... Couple of points from experience... A good pull to get it off translates into more force than most of us this side of Ironman can reasonably muster. As has already been said do not be tempted to pull the mirror off the bracket - to be honest the amount of force requited can often mean you 'accidentally' lever the mirror body off the roof stalk anyway - as trying to put it back on, even with all the 'warming the ball joint and socket advice' results in breaking the 'dip' capability due to the deformation you get in the mirror body. Finally, and back to the first point, I could never apply enough force - and I'm very used to moving large award stuff about :-).. Neither could the mechanics I use. In fact the only way it finally came off was (I had a new one after breaking the original dip part of my old one!) was to wait until I was having the paintwork done... then pulling it out forwards when the windscreen was out - as obviously that was what the merc engineers intended so it didn't hurt you as you were going through the windscreen in an accident :-)) I got told this last bit by someone in good faith, I think. But perhaps in hindsight it was the only way of explaining why Merc mounted a rearview mirror on with such an 'effing' strong springs!!! - did I mention its hard to pull off without the windscreen out. Lets put it this way the only way you can compress the bayonet spring (at all) when it's off is with molegrips. Good luck - having said all that I bet yours just pops off, I genuinely hope it goes!! Simon PS - Just wait till you try getting it back on :-))
Arnie's picture
Joined: 12.04.2004
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Re: Rear view mirror removal

To remove the seal, simply pull it out gently. There are no brackets to remove, nothing to unscrew. The rubber has a groove and grip feature which holds it unto a metal edge below the opening and serrated upper lip seals around the bottom surface of the sunroof opening. All obvious once removed. so just pull it out horizontally, all the way round.

markhowes's picture
Joined: 15.01.2014
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Re: Rear view mirror removal

Many thanks Arnie,

Job just completed and it was, as you indicated, much easier than I first thought.

Cosmetically looks a LOT better and a noticeable reduction in wind noise when driving with sunroof closed (well I guess the old seal was probably over 20 years old)
