LWB springs on SWB?

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Joe T
Joe T's picture
Joined: 14.03.2008
Location: West Sussex

I have to replace the rear springs on my SWB 300GD, speaking to some suppliers today it became clear that the main difference on the rear springs was only SWB or LWB, I assume same ride height but different spring loading.

My G will be used primarily for towing a car trailer (yes very slowly!)
I have read on here that they can sag a bit at the rear end with a load on, would it then be a sensible upgrade to fit the LWB springs?



Pistonhead's picture
Joined: 17.12.2006
Location: Loughborough
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Re: LWB springs on SWB?

If properly loaded the vehicle should not sag dramatically, that would be an indication that the trailer load is not proper. i.e. vehicle loaded on the trailer is too far forward.

The weight has to be shifted further backwards, to be central, above the trailer wheels. With this, the springs should give extended life.

Other than that, it is talking to a coil spring manufacturer and discuss what qualities you want to design in the new coil spring.
