Not Funny: Convicted murderer free in Belfast....

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mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain

Convicted murderer is roaming the streets of Belfast....

Killed 25 people (most of them simple civilians) and spent just under 21 years in Spanish jails (In Spain murder is very, very, cheap, an average of 10 months per victim). Has never shown any regret for the shedding of blood, on the contrary, he requested champagne to be served to him while in jail to celebrate the murders by ETA. On ocassion of the funerals of a your couple murdered (who left three little children behind) by ETA he famously declared: "their pain is my delight".

And now is sheltered by his good old Irish buddies. Shame on them!

Perhaps you can still find a copy of last wednesday's Irish News. Perhaps decent public opinion can put presuure of the judges for justice to be served and that REVOLTING PIECE OF MANURE be extradited to Spain.

marcus's picture
Joined: 02.05.2004
Location: Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
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Re: Not Funny: Convicted murderer free in Belfast....

Fat chance , seeing as his Ex? IRA mates are helping to run this country.
I did see some coverage of this in the local papers
My sympathies to you.