Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

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Anonymous's picture

Having broken my 3rd set of rear springs in 5 years! ( Porr thing has to traverse a very bumpy track, though I do reckon they are a weak spot0 Where is the cheapest place to get them? Incidentaly both genuine and pattern have broken.

fixwin38's picture
Joined: 09.07.2006
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Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

S&M Springs 01775 712125 Stewart or Karl ..there is a correct way to instal them with the bottom tail in line with the axle and towards the diff....

Anonymous's picture
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

Thanks, by "tail" do you mean the end of the spring? Local garage did them last, but doubt they messed up?

fixwin38's picture
Joined: 09.07.2006
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Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

Hi yes the end of the spring which may come with a plastic sleeve on the tails.....

Tyreman's picture
Joined: 23.08.2006
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Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

Oh, and as I found out there is also a top and a bottom to the spring which is marked on one of the coils.



Dan's picture
Joined: 19.06.2005
Location: Cheshire
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

S&M are good guys. They need adding to the resources page.

Anonymous's picture
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

Springs ordered on Tuesday,(from S& M) arrived Thursday, seemed to go to a lot of trouble to make sure correct ones were ordered.
Is fitting an easy job, or is there much risk of danger with compressing them? Any spring compressors/clamps recommended?

Dan's picture
Joined: 19.06.2005
Location: Cheshire
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

I tried fitting my replacements (heavy duty from S&M, they are slightly shorter that the standards) with the use of spring compressors. I found that it was impossible, fouling etc.

I then did both rears in one hour as follows:

Jacked the G right up and supported it under the frame just in front of the rear wheels (make sure this is really firm and you have a fail safe support just in case);

I then took off the approprate wheel (I think you could take both off as it would make the next part easier);

Released the shock absorber from the top and pulled the rod clear;

I then squatted over the hub so I could put my weight on it and push it down, slight bouncing required. This enabled me to get the old spring out easily, and the new one in, not quite as easily.

Watch out that you do not strain any other connections between the axle and vehicle.

Anonymous's picture
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

Thanks, you make it sound easy! Seem to recall my mechanic mate saying he used a total of 4 spring compressors, though he did say access was really difficult

M2dxb's picture
Joined: 27.06.2005
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Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

Don't think a spring compressor is absolutely necessary, check this out:

Dan's picture
Joined: 19.06.2005
Location: Cheshire
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

That's it. I used my weight in place of the bottle jack.

DutchG's picture
Joined: 08.02.2008
Location: The Netherlands
Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

The G-specialist (in Holland) I tried a few weeks ago used another neat trick: unbolt shocks, a few brake lines and some other stuff, use a forklift to jack the entire car up by its towhook and the entire rear axle assembly drops down far enough to easily replace the springs. Job done in 20 minutes.

mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
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Re: Rear Springs, Who's cheapest?

DutchG wrote:
The G-specialist (in Holland) I tried a few weeks ago used another neat trick: unbolt shocks, a few brake lines and some other stuff, use a forklift to jack the entire car up by its towhook and the entire rear axle assembly drops down far enough to easily replace the springs. Job done in 20 minutes.

Well I used a Hi-lift jack rather than a forklift but otherwise it was very similar... using the bottle jack to force the axle down too.