Missing plug

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LEEU's picture
Joined: 05.04.2006
Location: North Wales

On the auto box of my '85 280 there is a plug missing just behind the engine, in the middle of the box. It looks like a drain plug, but that is where the T- converter sits.

Has anyone got a part number or a spare one floating around?

I would also like to know what it is for please.


Russ280's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Trefonen
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: Missing plug

That sounds like the drain plug for the torque convertor. It’s there for 2 reasons 1 to allow any leakage from the TC or from an engine to gearbox seal leakage. 2 to get at the TC drain plug so that you can drain the fluid fully when you change the gearbox fluid.

It should be in if you are planning on any water or deep mud crossings. If not it’s OK without it. From memory it’s maybe a 13mm head

umhloti's picture
Joined: 04.08.2007
Location: Ireland ,Louth
Re: Missing plug

Christo . I have also asked that Question before and was told the same as above mentioned .