LHD Parts needed

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Anonymous's picture

Hello all,

I have a RHD 300GD 1982 and will be converting it back to LHD for a single cab project over the spring. I am trying to collect LHD parts to do the conversion.

Some of the most obvious items I'd need would be

1) LHD passenger side steering arm/lower king pin, or a LHD front axle
2) LHD steering box
3) LHD panhard arm and its 2 brackets
4) LHD pedal box
5) LHD turn indicator/steering column
6) LHD wiper arms (RHD motor may work, if not, Serpe has a few)
7) LHD center console unless you like the military look.

Here is the hitch; I could trade you these items for RHD parts, but I would not be able to do so right away as I can't do the swap in a week. It's going to take me a few months. I plan to start in April or so. So, if you have LHD parts lying around and would like to donate them I'd be happy to pay for shipping and in return send you my RHD parts for back ups. If you think you can help please do let me know. Thanks!

snyder.hunter at gmail dot com

fixwin38's picture
Joined: 09.07.2006
Location: northern ireland
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Re: LHD Parts needed

Hi I would have thought that Germany was the best source for this sort of thing. shipping costs could be expensive if parts not consolidated and shipped groupage.....there is "Michel" on this forum based in Holland who buys early G's ..he could be a good source....