hoses and cables help

2 replies [Last post]
berno's picture
Joined: 03.03.2010
Location: sweden

does anyone have a diagram of how hoses and cables to be connected to the engine of a Mercedes 300 GE -91
many thanks!

:lol: 8)

berno's picture
Joined: 03.03.2010
Location: sweden
Re: hoses and cables help

ANY ONE!!!???!!??

M2dxb's picture
Joined: 27.06.2005
Location: UAE (Dubai)
Re: hoses and cables help

It's complicated - there used to be an online free version of the EPC (electronics parts catalogue) for MB that would show you how things go together.

The following page has some manuals on it:

I have a print-out with me of the vacuum hoses only, if that is of help?
Or just join pointedthree.com - a few members there have their own copies of EPC and may be able to help, but your query is very general, what are you doing, fitting a new engine? In that case you should be able to see how things are connected before removing them...